Why Reflexology

We all are very busy in our respective lives to an extent that we miss out on so many important and basic things. Exercise, our diet, sleeping pattern and me time. This creates an imbalance in our body; to an extent that there are so many ailments that start growing inside that we are unaware of till they hit us in different ways after years. Many a times it becomes so bad that we have to consult a doctor. Stress is also a major factor that causes many problems in not only our body but mind too. No one has time to relax in this complex world. Time to relax is very important to repair and heal our body. Most of us generally ignore this aspect and take life easy and for granted. Health is the key to all good things. If health is lost we will not be in a position to perform most of our duties and responsibilities.

When we talk about Reflexology, we mean relaxation in a more holistic way. The therapy relaxes you in many positive ways. Reflexology helps and enhances your body’s own natural healing abilities. There are reflex points on our feet and hands that connect to organs, glands and all the systems of the body. Applying pressure to these points toxins are released and excreted by the body thereby restoring good blood circulation. As it is safe for all age groups, anyone can take this therapy. Reflexology not only reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep, gives a sense of well-being but it also helps in treating many ailments.

We recommend this therapy to all age groups for any physical or mental problems they are facing in today’s time. It can be stress related, illness, common disease, recurring ailments or any other issue related to our body. As we have helped and relieved many patients, experienced the positive effects of Reflexology in children with special needs as well, it is highly recommended that one must try this therapy with utmost trust, belief and consistency. Results will be amazing.

Our Associates

Leena Garg


Dr Neena Gulabani

Life Coach


Yoga Trainer & healer

Simmi Valecha

Spiritual Counsellor

 Kalpana Bisaria

Spiritual Healer


Reflexologist, Counsellor

Gurmeet Kaur


Trisha Narain Shrivastava
