Welcome to the World of Reflexology

 Find more balance, energy & happiness in life through your feet

Yes, you heard it right! A professional & certified Foot Reflexologist based out of Delhi-NCR offers you a world class Holistic Therapy. He scientifically works through your feet to your heart and mind, balancing the energy flow to your mind, body and heart, thereby providing you with a blissful experience. The services are personalised and tailor made to suit your specific health needs in an utmost hygienic and caring ecosystem. Catering to all age groups, the approach is professional and focused towards your overall health and immunity. The treatment consists of either standalone reflexology sessions or combined with other alternative therapies including counselling sessions. These are given by our certified team of counsellors and therapists. Our endeavour is to provide a holistic treatment in order to cure the patient ailing from any physical or mental condition.

Book an Appointment

Want to have a discussion with us? You can reach out to us through Email, WhatsApp, Phone, or just send us a message through our Contact Us page.

Children With Special Needs

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Post Covid Rehab

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General Health and Wellbeing

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Middle Age Support

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Facial Reflexology 

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Emotional & Mental Balance

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Pregnancy & Fertlility Support

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Pre-Post Operative Support

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Old Age Support

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Yoga & Meditation

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Oncology Support

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Know your Reflexologist

Ashish Kaushal, a professional Reflexologist, holistic therapist, certified from USA, UK & India, believes in providing the best services in foot reflexology by connecting to you at a deeper emotional level. This connection he feels is very important as the healing takes place only if the skill set marries the pure and honest intention. When the two meet, healing is complete and results are hundred percent. He specializes in treating children with special needs, healing many autistic children and children with speech delay. He has a vast experience of curing many patients suffering from various ailments like chronic body aches, frozen shoulder, diabetes, anxiety, depression, digestive and heart related issues. He has helped in easing out pain in patients suffering from prolonged and serious health conditions like kidney dialysis, reducing the dialysis from 4 to 3 times a week. Treating asthmatic children. And other endless successful stories.

Our Specialisation

We specialise in supportive treatments and cure of:

  • Children with special needs like; Autism, ADHD, Speech and Learning disorder, Epilepsy, Down syndrome, Hyperactivity, Behavioral issues and more
  • Heel and joint pain
  • Back pain and Spondylitis
  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Asthma and respiratory disorders
  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Migraine
  • Sinusitis
  • Arthritis
  • Paralysis
  • Calcific tendinitis
  • Covid prevention, post Covid -19 treatment and care

Our Associates

Leena Garg


Dr Neena Gulabani

Life Coach


Yoga Trainer & healer

Simmi Valecha

Spiritual Counsellor

 Kalpana Bisaria

Spiritual Healer


Reflexologist, Counsellor

Gurmeet Kaur


Trisha Narain Shrivastava
