Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and Meditation

At Happy Foot Reflexology, our expert yoga and reflexology therapist has combined Yoga and Reflexology therapies to treat you more holistically. The two therapies are interconnected as they both help in rejuvenating you inside out. They are both holistic treatments that create wellness in the entire body, restoring the life balance by integrating the mind, spirit and the physical functions of the body.
Yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, thereby relaxing you, helping you destress and rejuvenate. Reflexology boosts the immune system and alleviates various body systems. Happy Foot Reflexologist combine specific yogic exercises along with Reflexology in order to heal patients based on their clinical analysis at the beginning of the medical sessions. This unique therapy helps you tune into your body at a deeper level and release some deep held tension or chronic issues.

Meditation is a mental exercise that involves relaxation, focus, and awareness. Meditation is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body. The practice is usually done individually, in a still seated position, and with eyes closed.
Research from the University of California showed people who meditate have improved memory and less age-related atrophy. In fact, their gray matter in the frontal area of the brain (hippocampus) is increased leading to more positive emotions, longer-lasting emotional stability and heightened focus during daily life.
Research also indicates that meditation has a beneficial effect:

  • Lowers heart rate and boosts immune system
  • Treats insomnia (Research by Stanford Medical Centre.)
  • Cures Anxiety and depression (University of Massachusetts Medical School.)
  • Cures Psoriasis (skin cleared at four times the rate of those who didn’t meditate.)
  • Combating Low fertility (Oxford University study found stress can reduce the chances of women conceiving and suggested meditation could be instrumental in combating the decline in fertility.)

Therapist at Happy Foot Reflexology Practices Yoga Nidra. It is a simple meditative technique which brings focus to yourself in the present moment helping to clear unpleasant thoughts from your mind. 20 minutes of guided meditation is done before the reflexology session to clear your mind if you suffer from anxiety or worrying thoughts are clouding your thought process.

Our Associates

Leena Garg


Dr Neena Gulabani

Life Coach


Yoga Trainer & healer

Simmi Valecha

Spiritual Counsellor

 Kalpana Bisaria

Spiritual Healer


Reflexologist, Counsellor

Gurmeet Kaur


Trisha Narain Shrivastava
