
Thanks for changing our life. Your therapy helped my Son not only to speak but he now has a great coordination also. He couldn’t even write a word, can now cut an apple. All our good wishes and blessings to you to bring this happiness to all the families who are struggling.

Mrs K.Thakur

My son was 7 years old and had Asperger’s. Prior to treatment he was extremely anxious, withdrawn and finding the class environment difficult, He was also very aggressive with his siblings. Since Reflexology his anxious levels have dropped dramatically and he is nearly 100% involved in class activities. He is behaving much better at home and smiling more. I feel like I have my little boy back. Thanks

Mrs Kaura

We have no words to express our gratitude for bringing a change in our life by helping, treating my child of insomnia and speech disorder. Pleased to state that he has started making sentences on his own and can now express himself in all the ways possible. Those sleepless nights are just like a long lost dream. I wish you and Reflexology a great future in India so that more and more children can be benefited.

Mr Sandeep Khurana

I have suffered with depression, anxiety and panic attacks for years but sometimes it gets so bad that I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I decided to have reflexology due to the advice I had been given from a friend. I was sceptical at first and nervous but Ashish made me feel relaxed and he understood how I was feeling. I have regular reflexology treatments now as I feel that they have helped me to cope with my panic and anxiety, I know how to calm myself down when I have a panic attack and I don’t react so badly to stressful situations anymore.

Mr Sudhir

I just felt much older than my years. I ached, felt sluggish, had headaches and was tired all of the time. However, I did drink a lot of alcohol especially at weekends. I also smoked and ate a diet full of sugar, saturated fats, salts and masses of red meat. I drank cans of energy drinks every day to keep up my energy levels but all they did was make my heart beat faster and gave me more headaches. My therapist gave me a healthy eating plan also to follow, told me to drink copious amounts of water too especially after my treatment. I cannot believe just how much better I feel. I used to sweat a lot, I don’t do that now and I always felt hangover every morning, even without drinking the night before. I feel young again.

Mr Arun

Reflexology is a brilliant therapy. It treated my granddaughter, brought her out of her hypertension and speech. She has recovered quite fully and has joined a regular school and is doing excellent in academics. She has passed her 8th standard last month.

Mrs Aggarwal

We are very grateful to you Ashish and Reflexology. It’s an amazing work of art I believe. My Son’s behavior was very unpredictable since he was 2 years old. After taking regular sessions for more than an year now, what a transformation. He is peaceful, can concentrate and as helped by your test, he has started making beautiful sketches now. I wish parents in India start understanding the value and benefits of Reflexology on Autistic children.

Mr Ajay Ahuja

Gratitude Ashish. God Bless you man for what you had done to me. I actually though I will never ever be able to walk or even sit straight. But after those first 6 sessions your confidence to make me stand one day on my feet really gave me so much motivation that I also started thinking the same way. Your constant work and your advice on mediation & naturopathy backed by your powerful reflexology brought me back to life. I think you are a true professional by all means. You know your work and have all the add-on tools that can make difference in anyone’s life. Thanks a million Ashish.

Mr Saurabh

Hi Ashish. Just a word of appreciation and thanks for treating me. I am able to not only walk but can play my tennis also. I can never forget the pain I had in my feet. The deposits were so much that there was a time I couldn’t even keep my foot on the floor. All the very best to you.

Mrs Bhatnagar

I had a very bad time with my first child and was worried that giving birth to my second child would be as bad if not worse. I spoke to Ashish, he said that he would give me treatments but not until a certain stage in my pregnancy. I started having treatments and I noticed that I didn’t have as much swelling in my legs and ankles as I did with my first child. I was much calmer and felt better in myself and my heartburn had reduced. When the labour pains began I called him who luckily was on standby. He gave me a treatment and my labour was so much easier than the previous one, I was calmer too. The delivery was quick and I recovered from the birth easy and much quicker than the previous one. I give reflexology to my baby which eases his colic and helps him to sleep, so it’s great for mum and baby.

Mrs Shardha

Thanks Ashish for bringing me back to life always. My arthritis, frozen shoulder and lower back pain has not bothered me now after you helped me with your regular sessions. God Bless you.

Mrs. Bahl

The cancer treatment that I receive makes me feel ill. I hate how it leaves me feeling physically and emotionally drained. After discussing it with my doctor I decided to have reflexology. After my first treatment I started to feel better. I have a reflexology treatment every week now and I am feeling better, I can cope with the cancer treatment, I don’t have nausea like I used to and also it’s great to have something that is just for me, to make me feel good.

Mrs Juhi

Hello !!! How are you doing Ashish. Thanks buddy for all the sessions you gave which really helped me start my life over again. to get to my normal life once again. It’s just a miraculous therapy I must say. Thanks for always listening to me so patiently and keeping me in a high life state in situations that were not good. Thanks for being there.

Mrs. Bhama

I had cold after cold after cold, someone had to sneeze a mile away and it would get to me! I was ill all of the time, my sinuses were constantly painful and I just felt ill. I started having reflexology to build up my immune system. At first I thought that it was just an expensive foot massage but the way I felt was astounding. I found myself getting colds still at the beginning but I was fighting them off and they would go much quicker. I was not picking up every virus going and I was beginning to feel healthy again. Thanks Ashish. Thanks to Reflexology.

Mr Pankaj

I had pneumonia 5 times in 3 years and each time the illness was worse than the one before. My doctor said that I was very run down, my immune system was lower than it should be and I was stressed and over worked. It seemed as if my body was completely out of balance and I was catching every virus that was going. I started having reflexology to see if it would help. After 4 sessions I noticed a huge difference, not only was I much more relaxed and able to cope with life’s little niggles but I escaped a nasty virus that was going around my office. After my first couple of sessions I was shocked at how much easier it was for me to walk the dog up a steep hill. Previous to the treatment I used to cough and gasp for breath when I got to the top. Now I just keep walking. I have been having reflexology now for over a year and I am not getting ill all of the time, I have more energy, I sleep better and I feel like my old self again.

Mr Jatinder